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Investor Relations


Disrupting the global tyre industry

Delivering low emissions, high margins, and unmatched scalability.

To truly drive impact, sustainability must operate at scale. Our vision is to lead the global tyre industry as the largest, most profitable, and eco-friendly tyre brand, powered by patented production technologies, groundbreaking material innovation, and advanced automation.

Truly sustainable tyres

Low emission: 82% CO2 reduction and fully reusable closed-loop materials
Local production: Globally distributed network of automated micro-factories

Unmatched scalability

Low complexity: Compress large manual factories into a few small machines
Low CapEx: Low-cost machines and limited infrastructure needs
Immediate scaling: Add new machines and factory sites within months


High margins: Very high margins (vs traditional manufacturers)
High ROI: Each micro-factory will achieve full investment payback within months of reaching full operational capacity

THE Inflection point is now

Technology: 9 years of tyre research, proven and patent-protected
Commercial: Signed contracts with leading global brands